GROUNDED Solenoid Wiring Diagram
1. Position the Capstan and determine which direction the load will be pulled. This will determine the rotation of the Capstan for clockwise (CW) (Load pulled from left) or counter clockwise (CCW). You may have to switch the wires on the solenoid to get the right direction.

2. Splice the heavy gauge leads to the motor pigtails. Use marine grade insulated compression connectors and tape.
3. Mount the solenoid and the circuit breaker in a dry accessible location, preferably in a watertight box.

4. The circuit breaker assembly must be installed between the battery positive terminal and the positive wire.
5. NOTE: Make the positive connection to the battery last. Do not connect components to ground, especially on an aluminum boat.

Solenoid Wiring Diagram
1. Position the Capstan and determine which direction the load will be pulled. This will determine the rotation of the Capstan for clockwise (CW) (Load pulled from left) or counter clockwise (CCW). You may have to switch the wires on the solenoid to get the right direction.
2. Splice the heavy gauge leads to the motor pigtails. Use marine grade insulated compression connectors and tape.
3. Mount the solenoid and the circuit breaker in a dry accessible location, preferably in a watertight box.

4. The circuit breaker assembly must be installed between the battery positive terminal and the positive wire.
5. NOTE: Make the positive connection to the battery last. Do not connect components to ground, especially on an aluminum boat.