Complete Systems and Accessories

7.0 HP

Brief Description
When seconds count! High Pressure Fire Fighting System. Ideal for water front cottages, rural dwellers with water source. System includes 7.0 HP self priming 1.5 inch Pump; 50' Fire Hose; Fire Nozzle; Intake Hose and Filter.
Detailed Description
Have the ability to defend yourself against fire with an affordable system. This system comes complete with the following**:
Two-stage high pressure (100PSI) low volume (60 gal. per minute) 7.0 HP self priming 1.5 inch Fire Pump with 75 feet (25 meter) spray range;
50 feet (15 meter) 1 1/2 inch Fire Hose with quick connect fittings;
Fire Nozzle (Fog & Stream) with quick connect fittings
Reinforced 8 ft, 1 1/2 inch intake hose with a filter and quick connector.
All connectors and cam locks are to Industry and Forestry standards.
1 Year Limited Warranty